Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Rainbow carrots at the Ottawa Farmer's Market!

On Sunday I had the chance to go to the Ottawa Farmers Market.
There are always some different and interesting vegetables to buy there.
This weekend I happen to luck out on getting some very colourful carrots.
As you can see from the picture there are some yellow carrots, as well as beige, purple and the regular orange ones too!
What was quite surprising was that that these tasted just like the usual carrots you find at the grocery store.
These do add a lot more color to a salad or your dinner plate.
I'm not too sure what vendor I got these from, but several people were selling carrots like these.
The cost for the rainbow carrots was $5.
That might sound like it is expensive, but I did get at least 2 pounds of carrots and these were very sweet and did not need to be peeled to enjoy them.

The Ottawa Farmers Market is located at Lansdowne Park and is open Sundays from 8-3pm and Thursdays 12-7pm.
I have only gone there on Sundays and was told there are more vendors during the weekend.
On Sunday there was also a lot of baked goods and some local restaurants that had dishes available to eat at home.
The website for the Farmer's Market is at:

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